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Financial Planning Checklist

It is always a good day to review your financial plan! Knowing what you have and haven’t accomplished is vital to reaching both your long and short-term goals. Below is a list of financial planning priorities that should be reviewed regularly.

What You Need to Know


  • Did you buy a new house?
  • Did you have a baby or add to your family?
  • Did you get married?
  • Did you take on new debt?
  • Did you get a new job or have a change in income?
  • Did you experience a marriage breakdown or divorce?

Liabilities (new or changed)

  • Mortgage
  • Business Loan
  • Student Loan
  • Line of Credit
  • Credit Card Debt
  • Car Loan
  • Any other liabilities?

Assets (new or changed)

  • Art
  • Jewelry
  • Cash
  • Real Estate
  • Land
  • Stocks
  • Bond
  • Life Insurance Policies

Short Term Goals (New or Changed)

  • Save for a House
  • Save for Vacation
  • Pay off High Interest Debt
  • Start Emergency Fund
  • Major House Repair or Renovation

Long Term Goals

  • Retirement Dates
  • Education Savings
  • Mortgage Elimination


  • Adjusting Risk Tolerance
  • Reviewing Asset Allocation
  • Savings Strategies
  • TFSA
  • RRSP
  • RESP
  • RDSP
  • Un-Registered Accounts

Accounting for Big Changes

  • Did You Move?
  • Did You Sell Major Assets?
  • Did You Change Jobs?
  • Did You Take on More Debt?
  • Did Your Family Grow?
  • Did You Lose a Loved One?
  • Is There a Critical Illness in the Family?
  • Did You Receive a Gift or Inheritance?
  • Was Someone in Your Family Diagnosed with a Disability?

The Bottom Line

Your advisor is here to help you and guide you through each step of the financial planning process. The above list should be used as a starting point to address basic financial planning needs.

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