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Corporate Investments – Getting active around passive income.

By: Michael Lutes CFP, CLU

Certified Financial Planner


In Canada, the taxation of passive income earned by corporations has been a topic of interest and debate for many years.

The rules and regulations surrounding this income have evolved, impacting how businesses manage their investments and financial strategies.

In this blog post, we will delve into the essentials of Canadian corporate passive income, including what it is, how it is taxed, and strategies for optimizing your corporate investments.

What is passive income?

Passive income refers to the income earned by a corporation from investments in assets such as stocks, bonds, rental properties, and other passive sources. This income is distinct from active business income, which is generated from a corporation’s core business operations.

Common types of passive income include:

  1. Dividend Income: Earnings received from investments in shares of other corporations.
  2. Interest Income: Earnings from investments in bonds, GICs, or loans.
  3. Rental Income: Income generated from leasing out real estate properties.
  4. Capital Gains: Profits realized from the sale of investments, such as stocks or real estate.

How is passive income taxed?

Taxation of passive income is governed by the Canadian Income Tax Act. The key principle is that passive income is subject to a higher tax rate compared to active business income to discourage corporations from accumulating excessive passive investments.

Moreover, having too much passive income in any given year will reduce or eliminate a corporation’s access to the following year’s Small Business Deduction, the effect of which can be an additional approximately 15% income tax.

Strategies for managing passive income

To minimize passive income and avoid the potential loss of the Small Business Deduction, business owners should consider the following strategies:

  1. Withdraw additional funds for investment in RRSP or TFSA accounts.
  2. Use accumulated Capital Dividend Account (CRA) credit to withdraw funds tax-free and reduce potential for passive income.
  3. Remove funds tax-free by having the corporation repay any outstanding shareholder loans.
  4. Focus on capital gains-oriented investment. Unlike interest and dividend income which is earned regularly and taxed in the year it’s received; capital gains can be realized strategically and only 50% of capital gains are included in income.
  5. Let your winners ride! In other words, if you have unrealized capital gains, you might consider hanging on to them until a future year when you may avoid a further reduction of your SBD. Or hang on and sell them in a year when you already have greater than $150,000 of passive income and have already eliminated the SBD anyway.
  6. Spread out your gains. Instead of deferring capital gains to future years, sell your winners over two or more years to potentially avoid reducing your SBD.
  7. Implement an Individual Pension Plan (IPP). An IPP is essentially a business owner’s very own defined benefit pension plan. The money contributed is eliminated from the calculation of passive income.
  8. Buy permanent life insurance inside the corporation. The investment income is sheltered inside the policy as “cash value” and doesn’t count to the calculation of passive income. Furthermore, on death the entire death benefit can often be paid out to shareholders tax-free.
  9. Donations from a corporation will reduce the funds that would otherwise be producing passive income. Further, if donating securities or funds with unrealized gains, there are additional benefits such as no tax payable and a credit to withdraw funds from corporation tax-free.


Understanding Canadian corporate passive investment income and its taxation is crucial for businessowners looking to optimize their financial planning strategies. By staying informed about the rules and employing effective tax planning strategies, businessowners can strike a balance between accumulating passive investments and managing their tax liabilities. Consulting with a qualified tax professional or financial advisor is often recommended to navigate the complexities of corporate taxation in Canada effectively.


By: Michael Lutes CFP, CLU

Certified Financial Planner

It’s a brand spankin’ new year, (2023 baby!). The calendar has turned, the slate is wiped clean, you’re at mile zero! You have twelve whole months to kick some butt when it comes to managing your money and financial planning! (Wow, I’m getting energized just writing this!!)

Perhaps you’ve already begun brainstorming ways to improve your finances in 2023. Maybe you’re hunting for new tax-efficient planning strategies. Or you think your investment portfolio could use a revamp. Or, after spending time with loved ones over the holidays, you’re inspired to audit your insurance and estate plans.

Or, like so many of us, you truly don’t know where to start.

Here’s a tip…

Start with your values. Let those values motivate your goals, life objectives, dreams. Whatever you want to call them, start there.

So, what are your values? Seriously, yours, what are they? Take a moment, take a minute, take whatever time you need…

No, no, no, not THOSE values…. those are the values you think you should have. The ones your brother incepted inside of you when you were chatting over the holidays. Or maybe those values are the ones your Instagram feed is telling you to have – fancy cars, fancy food, fancy vacations, fancy clothes, fancy blah blah blah.

Not those.

I’m talking about YOUR values. The ones that truly reflect the deepest sense of what cultivates happiness in you. The ones that make you feel authentically happy to just be. The ones that when you’re living in alignment with them you are at your most satisfied, most at peace, most content, and most fulfilled.

THOSE are your values.

(Ummm, I thought this was a financial planning blog…no?)

How does this apply to financial planning?

While considering all the calculator stuff – tax, investment returns, insurance, etc. – the best financial planning is done in a space where decisions of how to use your money – or capital (more on capital later) – are in alignment with your values. This is where financial confidence builds. This is where the real financial planning magic happens.

In this space, you stop obsessing over moves in the stock market, you don’t really care what shows up in the daily financial news, you can genuinely listen to your neighbor’s stock tip from their cousin who “worked on wall street” and effortlessly separate opinion from truth and move on.

This is the space where you can be totally and completely confident and fulfilled in your financial decision making, because you know it aligns to your values and your life objectives.

So, when it comes to financial planning this year, start with your values – dig deep, be real, be honest, be reflective – and let your values motivate your goals that ultimately drive your decision making.

Do this, and you’ll be kicking butt in 2023!

And if you’re one of us who, like most, need help uncovering their values and articulating their goals, we recommend talking to a trusted advisor who can help you through the process. If you don’t have a trusted advisor, schedule some time with us – we love to help!